
Maryville University offers a wide range of courses that deal with diversity and multicultural issues and subjects.

  • EDUC 611 – Culture, Language and Learners

    Understanding the need to prepare students for participation in a social/political democracy and the belief that all students must have access to knowledge and learning opportunities that meet their needs, participants will explore where culture, language and learning intersect as they develop culturally responsive classrooms. Explore the dynamics of cross-cultural interactions and strategies for advocating and collaborating on behalf of students from diverse economic, cultural, and language backgrounds through school/home partnerships.
  • HUM 204 – Intercultural Studies

    This course introduces the student to selected Asian, African, and Middle Eastern cultures in order to increase global awareness and understanding and to enhance cross-cultural tolerance and communication.
  • HUM 265 – Comparative Religion and Culture

    The course introduces the basic beliefs and practices of the major religious cultures of the world. By comparing these beliefs with their own, students better understand their own beliefs and practices and become aware of how people of other cultures think and act religiously. Students develop a tolerance and an appreciation for other cultures and a basis for fuller international awareness and understanding.
  • COMM 422 – Global Communication

    This course focuses on communication systems in world cultures with an emphasis on understanding the social, cultural, political, and economic effects on different systems. Students will also explore intercultural communication and the challenges of communicating in a global environment.
  • HEPR 300 – Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness

    This course explores the theoretical and conceptual aspects of cultural healthcare. Topics include culture and ethnicity, cultural variations in response to actual or potential problems of health and illness; review of research literature; and methods of caring for and treat individuals with culturally influenced responses.
  • PSYC 365 – Multicultural Psychology

    This course is intended to introduce and familiarize students with the concept of multicultural psychology. The course will address issues of human diversity theory and research that are emphasized by the American Psychological Association, including age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, and SES. The course will also encompass issues related to identity, oppression, bias, acculturation, and workplace diversity, as well as research methodologies utilized to promote greater understanding.
  • SPLP 660 – Multicultural Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorders

    Participants will learn how cultural and linguistic diversity affect the assessment and treatment of speech-language pathology clients. Participants will also learn about other cultures and will develop intercultural communication competence to prepare them for working with clients and co-workers from diverse backgrounds.
  • CRIM 210 – Multicultural Policing

    This course focuses on the challenges present in policing multicultural settings. Issues pertaining to understanding diverse cultures and effective communication across cultures from the standpoint of law enforcement are explored in detail.
  • MUS 316 – World Music

    This course introduces the music of different cultures, excluding the Western Euro-American tradition. It explores art and ethnic music of India, Indonesia and the Far East as well as Africa, South America, and Australia.
  • SPAN 499 – International/ Spanish Language Internship

    This course gives students the opportunity to develop their Spanish language proficiency and their awareness of Hispanic culture. Students who study abroad may intern with an organization in the guest country. Students remaining in St. Louis may intern with local firms and organizations that are involved with Hispanic business, education, or culture.

This list contains only a portion of diversity-related classes students can enroll in at Maryville University. Click here to see a full list of all courses offered by the university.