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Kevin Ellis.F

After Marines and Maryville, Grad Finds New Role in Business

There was never any question what Kevin Ellis, ’15, would do after graduating from high school in 2004. The U.S. Marine Corps is woven into his family’s DNA. As much as military service seemed inevitable, Ellis always knew that college was also in his future.

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Model UN Team Advances Knowledge of Global Politics

Playing the role of South Korea during the 2015 Midwest Model UN Conference, Maryville’s young team garnered its first award. In it’s second competition, the team received an Honorable Mention for Best Delegation in the General Assembly Plenary Session.

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Jason Williams Receives Teaching Excellence Award

Jason Williams, EdD, assistant professor of sport business management in the John E. Simon School of Business at Maryville University, is a regional recipient of the 2015 ACBSP Teaching Excellence Award. The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs presents the award to outstanding individuals who exemplify teaching excellence in the classroom.

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Multicultural Scholars Program Fosters Global Family

The Multicultural Scholars Program is one way Maryville fosters these valuable opportunities—and at the same time provides access to a college education that might otherwise be out of reach.

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Maryville Reads Book Selection: Fahrenheit 451

The 2015-2016 Maryville Reads book selection is the classic, Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury. Maryville Reads is a collaborative effort between the University Library, the Office of Multicultural Programs and the Division of Student Success.

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Major Role Models

While pursuing a doctorate in mathematics in the 1980s, Min Deng, PhD, was often the lone female in her classes, which were taught mostly by male professors. When she began teaching university classes in 1993, she was one of few women among her colleagues and students.

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winningticket featured

The Winning Ticket

In any successful business model, providing high quality customer service is a primary goal. For the St. Louis Cardinals, the first pitch toward consumer satisfaction comes from the ticket window at Busch Stadium.

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