ESports Club Program Begins This Fall

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Maryville University has announced the addition of Esports to its growing line-up of club sport programs. In recognition of the popularity of Esports and to provide greater academic access, Maryville will offer scholarship opportunities for eligible students. The program begins this fall.

Known more popularly as competitive online video gaming, the world of online sport is new to Maryville, but not to the program’s first coordinator, Daniel Clerke, an international business student. Clerke is also owner of several successful eSport teams, including Enemy, a professional tier League of Legends team.

Maryville’s club program will field teams in a number of different online games.

“I’m really excited to get this going and bring Maryville to the forefront of collegiate Esports,” Clerke says. “Esports is the biggest thing that nobody knows about. To put it in perspective, the League of Legends World Championship last year was viewed by more people than every sporting event except the Superbowl, and that includes the World Cup.”

Maryville also provides club sport teams in roller hockey, men’s and women’s soccer, women’s volleyball and men’s rugby. For each club sport, the University provides space for competition and limited funding for uniforms and the hiring of officials.
For information about enrollment at Maryville University, visit or call 314.529.9300.


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