Faculty Awards & Recognition
Academic Affairs
Faculty Awards & Recognition
Academic Affairs
Maryville University deeply values our commitment to learner-centered teaching, innovative pedagogy and the Active Learning Ecosystem. The very first theme of our 2015-2022 strategic plan describes the ecosystem we are dedicated to creating and sustaining.
Maryville University will create a campus wide learning ecosystem with students at the center. This ecosystem will engage students, faculty, staff and community partners here and around the world in a continuous and sustainable process of active learning based on student outcomes.
The faculty are powerful change agents in this creative learning environment. The University supports and recognizes the stellar work of the faculty in this capacity through multiple award, grant, and sabbatical opportunities. Below are descriptions of the awards and opportunities for which faculty can nominate colleagues or individually apply.
The Faculty Spotlight Award was created to recognize and honor faculty members and their exceptional performance in areas including, but not limited to teaching, service, scholarship, advising, professional development, student engagement, campus activities, etc.
Acknowledging the diverse talents of faculty members within the University, each nomination is evaluated using a holistic rubric with regard to quality indicators targeting IMPACT, PEDAGOGY, and INNOVATION and then ranked in comparison to all nominees for each month.
Awarded: Monthly
Nomination Due Date: The beginning of every month
For more specifics regarding process and award amounts, click here.
Recent Recipients
2022 recipients:
2021 recipients:
2020 recipients:
2019 recipients:
The Annual Awards showcase and reward the exemplary work of Maryville faculty. At the conclusion of the academic year, faculty nominated by their peers are publicly recognized at a Faculty & Staff Awards ceremony and reception.
Please take the time to consider the contributions of your colleagues and write a thoughtful nomination so that we can publicly acknowledge and reward their remarkable work.
Awarded: Annually
Nomination Due Date: March 27 by 9:00 a.m
- Faculty Excellence Awards – Excellence in Undergraduate/Graduate Teaching
These awards are designed to identify, acknowledge, and reward sustained excellence (i.e. beyond a single year and/or multiple instances) in teaching and learning. Awards will be based on at least one of the following criteria:
- Sustained excellence in teaching
- Innovative approaches to teaching
- Overall positive impact on student learning
- Other contributions to improve teaching and learning
For more specifics regarding process and award amounts, click here.
Recent Recipients
2022 recipients:
Darlene Davison (INTD)Kevin Stokes (EDL)2021 recipients:
Brett Rousseau (ATG)Karen Tabak (ATG, Finance)2020 recipient:
Stacy Donovan (BIOL)2019 recipients:
Michelle Hunter (EDUC)Katherine Kline (REHB)2018 recipient:
Paul Gross (CYBER)
- Faculty Excellence Awards – Research Mentoring Award
These awards are designed to identify, acknowledge and reward excellence in the mentoring of student research. Awards are for faculty who have a sustained record of excellence in the mentoring of student research (i.e. multiple instances).
For more specifics regarding process and award amounts, click here.
Recent Recipients
2022 recipients:
Yuanjin Liu (ACSC, DSCI)2021 recipients:
Jason Castles (EDH)Alastair Pringle (BIOL)2020 recipients:
Ann Fick (PHTH)Anuradha Vummenthala (CHEM)2019 recipients:
Kyra Krakos (BIOL)Sandy Ross (PHTH)2018 recipients:
Gabe Colbeck (BIOL)Dustin Nadler (PSYC)
- Faculty Excellence Awards – University Excellence and Innovation Awards
These awards are designed to acknowledge excellence and innovation that affected and transformed the university as a whole. The awards are designed to acknowledge faculty whose work inside and outside of the classroom is ahead of its time.
For more specifics regarding process and award amounts, click here.
Recent Recipients
2022 recipient:
Todd Brenningmeyer (ADAH)2021 recipient:
Michael Palmer (MIS, SWDV)2020 recipient:
Alex Wulff (ENGL)2019 recipient:
Dustin York (COMM)2018 recipients:
Jon Fahnestock (ADGD)Jesse Kavadlo (CTL) & Laura Ross (CTL)
- Outstanding Faculty Award
The award(s) may be given each year to the faculty who:
- Best demonstrate excellence in the integration of teaching, scholarship, and/or service
- Best demonstrate the creative use of technology in the teaching/learning process in order to foster student engagement
For more specifics regarding process and award amounts, click here.
Recent Recipients
2022 recipients:
Catherine Bear (EDL)Rebecca Birkenmeier (OCTH)2021 recipients:
Steven Coxon (EDUC)Soo-Jin Kwoun (MUTH)Jason Telford (CHEM)Jason Williams (RSBM)2020 recipients:
Joni Barry (PHTH)Yuanjin Liu (ASCI, DSCI)Germaine Murray ( ENGL)2019 recipients:
Geriann Brandt (CRIM)Rebecca Dohrman (COMM)Jinfeng Wei (MATH, ASCI)2018 recipients:
Susan Bartel (EDL)Candace Chambers Colbeck (CHEM)Thomas Spudich (CHEM, FRSC)
- Anna Moudy Award
Every year, the University Faculty Development Committee solicits nominations for the Anna Moudy Award for Excellence in Education. This award is given each year to a full-time Maryville faculty member who exhibits a commitment to excellence in education. It is named for the late Anna Moudy, Assistant Professor of Biology, who was known for her dedication to excellence in education and the vitality of her teaching.
For more specifics regarding process and award amounts, click here.
- Adjunct Faculty Award
The awards may be given each year to the adjunct faculty who best demonstrate excellence in teaching and student engagement to Maryville. A maximum of seven awards may be given in any year. (2-School of Business, 1-School of Education, 2-College of Arts and Sciences and 2-College of Health Professions)
For more specifics regarding process and award amounts, click here.
Recent Recipients
2022 recipients:
Jen Backer – College of Arts and SciencesKubrom Teka – College of Arts and SciencesShelley Price-Williams – School of EducationCarrie Hidalgo – Simon School of BusinessDoug McCloskey – Simon School of BusinessKathy Gieg – Walker College of Health ProfessionsKathleen Huttegger – Walker College of Health Professions2021 recipients:
Patricia Maniaci – College of Arts and SciencesVijoy Rao – College of Arts and SciencesNicholas Strecker – School of EducationJennifer Byerly – Simon School of BusinessRobert Frese – Simon School of BusinessHeather Hanvy – Walker College of Health ProfessionsMary Beth Ruckman – Walker College of Health Professions2020 recipients:
Danahae Marmolejo Correa – College of Arts and SciencesCaitlin Metz – College of Arts and SciencesMara Berry – School of EducationChristine Dufner – Simon School of BusinessWilliam Mishk – Simon School of BusinessBrad Mawer – Walker College of Health ProfessionsMichelle Schneider – Walker College of Health Professions2019 recipients:
Dave Snell-College of Arts and SciencesAmy Quarton-College of Arts and SciencesElizabeth Johns-Walker College of Health ProfessionsColleen Harbaugh-Walker College of Health ProfessionsBill Dorr-School of Simon BusinessStephanie Steel-School of Education2018 recipients:
Christina Branson-College of Arts and SciencesGuodong Li-College of Arts and SciencesRoma Bordewick-Walker College of Health ProfessionsAnnette Kennedy-Walker College of Health ProfessionsLarry Albus-Simon School of BusinessKevin Beckner-School of Education
ALE Incentive Grants
The ALE incentive grants are designed to accelerate the reach and sophistication of active learning pedagogy by supporting faculty in the development of innovative and dynamic curricula. By re-imagining and transforming individual courses we look to affirm the ultimate goal of the development of entire program curricula based in the Active Learning Ecosystem.
The grants cover a faculty stipend per course as well as a contribution to the home academic program that can be used for start-up costs for individual initiatives or to support general program needs.
Awarded: Three times a year – February, May, and October.
- What’s the focus of the grant?
Transformational re-imagining of individual, major courses or re-envisioning an entire program curriculum.
Grants are focused on on-campus programs. An interdisciplinary approach that may include cross-university or community connections is appreciated. Adjunct faculty can be included in the development process.
- What does that mean?
Transformational re-imagining of individual courses
The intention of this grant is to encourage integration of active learning throughout the experience of a course (beyond a module or a single project). For example, guided by the ALE principles and pertinent elements of the strategic plan or core values, a faculty may consider a wholistic change to:- Move from test-based to project-based demonstration of knowledge.
- Move an on-ground course to a hybrid model, e.g., assertively developing online components or out of class-room experiences.
- Create a course designed to research and address community challenges.
- Modularize a course structure to align units with distinct learning outcomes.
- Map every project, assignment, activity to learning outcomes in a way that can be shared with students at the start of a course and referenced with students throughout the course.
- Integrate augmented or virtual reality experiences throughout a course.
- Design and operationalize a grading system that explicitly rewards thoughtful, considered risk-taking.
- Use real world problems to teach theory, research and problem solving in a course historically taught in a lecture/power point format.
Re-envisioning an entire program curriculum.
Program directors in concert with faculty may initiate an effort to revamp an entire curriculum with the express intention of embedding active learning and comprehensive mapping of learning outcomes. Develop a plan to phase/sequence course redesign. Invite strategic adjunct faculty to participate.
- How much?
Please see application form.
- How/when is the money distributed?
- 1/3 paid when proposal approved.
- Remainder following assessment presentation.
- Assessment requirement
At the conclusion of the revised course, grant recipients will share their work in a REAL or Perspectives Week session. Grant recipients should articulate and provide evidence as to how & why changes made a difference in student learning.
- What are the submission dates?
There will be three key deadlines to review grants for projects proposed for a subsequent semester – February 15th, May 15th, and October 15th.
- Who reviews proposal?
The proposal form will request the program director’s signature to indicate an informational discussion has occurred.
The committee reviewing the proposal will include the VPAA, Deans, Director for Learning Design & Development (SAOE), Director of Assessment/Accreditation, Director of Center for Teaching and Learning.
A sabbatical leave for the purpose of study, research and scholarly achievement which will contribute to the professional effectiveness and the value of subsequent services to the University may be granted to a faculty member who has served in a full-time capacity for not less than six consecutive years.
Awarded: Annually
Application Due Date: Sabbatical applications are due on September 15th of each academic year prior to the year of the requested sabbatical at the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA). Revisions to the applications will not be allowed after the September 15th deadline.
Faculty members must discuss their proposal with the dean prior to submission of the application.
For more regarding policy and process, click here.