Career Outcome Rate*
Employed Full-Time
Enrolled or Planning to Attend Grad School
Employed Part-Time
Serving in Military
*Maryville University’s career outcome rate is 98%, based on an 80% knowledge rate for the Class of 2020. View previous year data.
Knowledge rate is the percentage of students we have “knowledge” of their basic outcome information. Institutions should strive to meet or exceed the NACE minimum standard knowledge of 65%.
The Positive Career Outcome Rate is the percentage of graduates who fall into the following categories: Employed full-time, employed part-time, participating in a full-time program of voluntary service, serving in the U.S. Armed Forces or enrolled in a program of continuing education.
Mercy Health |
SSM Health |
BJC Healthcare |
St. Luke’s Hospital |
Maryville University |
Boeing |
Parkway School District |
Abstrakt Marketing Group |
Centene |
Integris |
1,519 Total Graduates |
Employers reported by Maryville University graduates 2018-2019