Role of Dean & Opportunities

Role of Dean
The Dean provides academic vision for the School and reports to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. As the chief academic officer of the School, the Dean provides intellectual leadership for all academic departments and multi-disciplinary programs, their faculty and staff, and budgets. The Dean serves as the principal administrator planning and leading the John E. Simon School of Business, ensuring alignment with the University’s strategic plan, and the Strategic Academic Identity, encouraging curricular and pedagogical innovation, and facilitating and supporting diversity and inclusion.
The Dean will also propose, review and monitor the School’s operating budget and restricted accounts. In keeping with these fiscal responsibilities and ensuring program relevance, the Dean will also develop course schedules reflecting educational trends, student demand and faculty expertise. In addition, the Dean will review enrollment demand prior to the start of each term and take action to cancel courses as appropriate.
The Dean is responsible for ensuring the effective processes of faculty selection, appointment, evaluation, and development. The Dean also has the responsibility for setting policy associated with these essential responsibilities and approves student requests for exception to academic policy or degree requirements.
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Collaborate with the senior leadership team of the University in strategy development, policy setting and problem solving to effectively serve the University’s needs for the School;
- Set appropriate budget priorities (operating and capital) in preparing budget requests and, as budget allows, recruit and recommend qualified new faculty and staff to meet the needs of the School and the University;
- Informed by data analytics, assess and evaluate current programs, projects and staff assignments to create a dynamic academic environment;
- Conduct on-going program reviews, and prepare proposals for new programs, and program modifications that enhance enrollment and program quality in the School;
- Oversee faculty recruitment, retention, and continuing professional development including particular attention to recruiting and retaining faculty of diverse backgrounds;
- Direct enrollment, admissions, mentoring, retention and completion of degree requirements for students in a timely manner;
- Maintain appropriate assessment data, prepare reports, and verify compliance with accreditation standards for eligible programs in the John E. Simon School of Business;
- Direct the professional development of the faculty and staff, including post-tenure reviews, annual reviews and goal setting consistent with the University strategic plan to ensure the ongoing success of students and the School;
- Explore and engage in best practices with regard to administration, programs and course delivery;
- In working with all members of the Maryville community, demonstrate an awareness and appreciation of the university Mission and Core Values in fostering progress within the Strategic Plan;
- Demonstrate a commitment to promoting a campus culture that values inclusion and diversity;
- Seek effective partnerships with external community in support of existing or proposed new academic programs and, where appropriate, the provision of external funding for School of Business initiatives;
- Represent the School and the University through participation in community and corporate activities, meetings, and events across the region and the country. Actively promote interest in the University wherever and whenever possible.
It is also the responsibility of every employee of the University to remain current in his or her field, ensuring that he/she has the requisite knowledge and skills to perform the position at a high level. Requisite knowledge and skills change over time; therefore, the employee must be aware of changes and react to them by obtaining up-to-date knowledge and skills.
Opportunities and Expectations for Leadership
The new Dean will arrive at a time of great energy and renewed commitment to meeting the University’s strategic goals.
The ideal candidate will have experience in the academic community and will be knowledgeable about trends in higher education particularly the challenges facing private higher education today. He or she will also possess the vision and experience necessary to marshal the resources and lead a talented faculty to address these challenges and take advantage of the opportunities. He or she will be able to capitalize on the Schools’ signature strengths as well as foster new curricula and new approaches to teaching and learning that actualize Maryville’s active learning ecosystem. Proven experience in developing support and cultivating partnerships with internal and external constituencies is required.
Maryville University invites inquiries, nominations, and expressions of interest for its next Dean of the John E. Simon School of Business. An earned doctorate or terminal degree in a related field as well as a record of accomplishment suitable to an appointment at the rank of tenured professor is preferred.
For more information regarding a nomination or expression of personal interest in this position, please see the section entitled “Procedure for Candidacy.”
To meet the opportunities and challenges of leadership in this environment the Dean will need to:
Provide forward-looking, optimistic and creative leadership
The Dean will work with the School’s faculty, staff and students to cultivate a climate of intellectual excitement and creative vitality to set a shared vision for the School. The Dean will work to build bridges among the members of the School’s community, serving as a decision-maker and creative problem-solver in achieving the School’s goals.
Contribute to the institutional strategic plan and help realize its goals
The Dean will be joining an institution with an ongoing and comprehensive strategic plan, and Strategic Academic Identity that includes annual action items. The Dean will be responsible for the School’s engagement in the implementation of this plan as well as the assessment of its outcomes.
Promote a clear, unifying vision across the School and University
Within the School, the new Dean must continue to cultivate collaboration and connection to re-envision the ongoing growth and development of programs and initiatives. Within the University, the Dean will be an active team player who is adept at collaborating with fellow deans on interdisciplinary programs and new academic initiatives consistent with institutional priorities.
Lead faculty development and accomplishment
The Dean will find upon arrival a highly motivated, enthusiastic faculty who seek support for their professional development, a demand that will require the Dean to play both a personal and a leadership role in fulfilling. New faculty will also require mentorship to develop pedagogically, intellectually and organizationally in order to play a central role in student learning, scholarly and creative productivity, and leadership within the campus community.
Support for faculty and program development with a commitment to collaborative engagement
The Dean is responsible for supporting faculty recruitment, retention and development as well as overseeing the development of the School’s programs and curriculum. These efforts will be accomplished within a framework of shared responsibility among faculty and administrators to realize mission-driven outcomes.
Serve as a vital partner in the recruitment and retention of students
Successful recruitment and retention of students is a priority across the academic and administrative units. The Dean will work with a leadership team that has reframed recruitment and retention at the University and demonstrates discipline in using data to inform strategic decision making and goal setting.
Build external relationships and sustain resource development
There are extensive opportunities for the Dean to build partnerships in the St. Louis area, and beyond. The Dean will be alert to the identification of such opportunities and will leverage them appropriately to enhance the School’s access to a range of resources, including internships, professional development opportunities for students and faculty as well as financial support for the School’s programs. These efforts will establish the School within the University, the community, and the national landscape of higher education. The Dean will also be expected to help improve alumni engagement.