The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) began in the Spring of 2004 as a collaboration between Mary Ellen Finch, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Director Marilyn Cohn, who designed a single year seminar for full time faculty to inquire about their own teaching more deeply. The one-year seminar developed into a meaningful practice for many faculty members under Marilyn’s direction, and is still a seminar available to all faculty today.
The CTL continued to evolve to include book clubs, brown bag lunches, a Scholarship for Teaching and Learning Seminar (SOTL) for the purpose of studying their own teaching.
Jesse Kavadlo
Ashlyn Cunningham
Co-Director Teaching Learning Program/Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy
Walker College of Health Professions
Chammie Austin
Professor of Psychology College of Arts and Sciences
Melissa Childers
Assistant Director – Learning Design and Faculty Engagement
School of Adult and Online Education
Gifty Blankson Codjoe
Faculty Assistant